inlib  1.2.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
00002 // See the file inlib.license for terms.
00004 #ifndef inlib_array
00005 #define inlib_array
00007 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00008 #include "mem"
00009 #endif
00011 #include <vector>
00013 namespace inlib {
00015 // array handles an hyperparallelepiped of cells of class T.
00017 template <class T>
00018 class array {
00019 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00020   static const std::string& s_class() {
00021     static const std::string s_v("inlib::array");
00022     return s_v;
00023   }
00024 #endif
00025 public:
00026   typedef typename std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> > cut_t;
00027   typedef typename std::vector<unsigned int> uints_t;
00028   typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator vec_it_t;
00029   typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cons_vec_it_t;
00030 public:
00031   array() {
00032 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00033     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
00034 #endif
00035   }
00036   array(const uints_t& a_orders) {
00037 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00038     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
00039 #endif
00040     configure(a_orders);
00041   }
00042   array(unsigned int a_dimension,unsigned int a_order) { 
00043 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00044     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
00045 #endif
00046     // A hypercube of dimension "a_dimension" and size "a_order".
00047     uints_t orders(a_dimension);
00048     for(unsigned int index=0;index<a_dimension;index++) 
00049       orders[index] = a_order;
00050     configure(orders);
00051   } 
00052   virtual ~array() {
00053 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00054     mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
00055 #endif
00056   }
00057 public:
00058   array(const array& a_from)
00059   :m_orders(a_from.m_orders)
00060   ,m_offsets(a_from.m_offsets)
00061   ,m_vector(a_from.m_vector)
00062   ,m_is(a_from.m_is){
00063 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00064     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
00065 #endif
00066   }
00067   array& operator=(const array& a_from) {
00068     m_orders = a_from.m_orders;
00069     m_offsets = a_from.m_offsets;
00070     m_vector = a_from.m_vector;
00071     m_is = a_from.m_is;
00072     return *this;
00073   }
00074 public: //operators:
00075   array& operator*=(const T& a_T) {multiply(a_T);return *this;}    
00076   bool operator==(const array& a_array) const {
00077     return equal(a_array);
00078   }
00079   bool operator!=(const array& a_array) const {
00080     return !operator==(a_array);
00081   }
00082   array operator*(const T& a_T) const {
00083     array a(*this);
00084     a.multiply(a_T);
00085     return a;
00086   }    
00087   // the below would need exception to do it properly.
00088   //array operator+(const array& a_array) const {
00089   //  array a(*this);
00090   //  if(!a.add(a_array)) {} //throw
00091   //  return a;
00092   //}    
00093   //array& operator+=(const array& a_array) {   
00094   //  if(!add(a_array)) {} //throw
00095   //  return *this;
00096   //}    
00097 public:
00098   void copy(const array& a_from) {
00099     m_orders = a_from.m_orders;
00100     m_offsets = a_from.m_offsets;
00101     m_vector = a_from.m_vector;
00102     m_is = a_from.m_is;
00103   }
00104   void clear() {
00105     m_orders.clear();
00106     m_offsets.clear();
00107     m_vector.clear();
00108     m_is.clear();
00109   }
00110   bool configure(const uints_t& a_orders) {
00111     m_orders = a_orders;
00112     unsigned int dim = m_orders.size();
00113     if(dim==0) {
00114       clear();
00115       return false;
00116     }
00117     unsigned int size = 1;
00118     for(unsigned int index=0;index<dim;index++) {
00119       //if(m_orders[index]<0) {
00120       //clear();
00121       //return false;
00122       //}
00123       size *= m_orders[index];
00124     }
00125     m_vector.resize(size,zero());
00126     m_offsets.resize(dim,0);
00127     m_offsets[0] = 1;
00128     for(unsigned int iaxis=1;iaxis<dim;iaxis++) 
00129       m_offsets[iaxis] = m_offsets[iaxis-1] * m_orders[iaxis-1];
00130     m_is.resize(dim,0);
00131     return true;
00132   }
00133   unsigned int dimension() const { return m_orders.size();}
00134   const uints_t& orders() const { return m_orders;}
00135   unsigned int size() const {return m_vector.size();}
00136   bool set_value(const uints_t& a_is,const T& a_value) {
00137     unsigned int off = 0;
00138     if(!offset(a_is,off)) return false;
00139     m_vector[off] = a_value;
00140     return true;
00141   }
00142   bool value(const uints_t& a_is,T& a_value) const {
00143     unsigned int off = 0;
00144     if(!offset(a_is,off)) {
00145       a_value = 0;
00146       return false;
00147     }
00148     a_value = m_vector[off];
00149     return true;
00150   }
00151   void reset() {
00152     for(vec_it_t it=m_vector.begin();it!=m_vector.end();++it) *it = 0;
00153   }
00154   const std::vector<T>& vector() const { return m_vector;}
00155   std::vector<T>& vector() { return m_vector;}
00156   bool fill(const std::vector<T>& a_values,cut_t* a_cut = 0) {
00157     unsigned int dsize = a_values.size();
00158     unsigned di = 0;
00159     unsigned int index = 0;
00160     for(vec_it_t it=m_vector.begin();it!=m_vector.end();++it,index++) {
00161       if(!a_cut || (a_cut && accept(index,*a_cut)) ) {
00162         if(di>=dsize) return false; //a_values exhausted too early
00163         *it = a_values[di];
00164         di++;
00165       }
00166     }
00167     return true;
00168   }
00169   // Related to other array :
00170   bool equal(const array& a_array) const {
00171     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00172     cons_vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00173     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00174     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) {
00175       if((*it)!=(*ait)) return false;
00176     }
00177     return true;
00178   }
00179   bool equal(const array& a_array,T aEpsilon) const {
00180     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00181     cons_vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00182     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00183     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) {
00184       T diff = (*it) - (*ait);      
00185       if(diff<0) diff *= -1;
00186       if(diff>=aEpsilon) return false;
00187     }
00188     return true;
00189   }
00190   bool is_proportional(const array& a_array,T& a_factor) const {
00191     // If true, then : a_array = a_factor * this.
00192     a_factor = zero();
00193     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00194     bool first = true;
00195     cons_vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00196     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00197     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) {
00198              if( ((*it)==zero()) && ((*ait)==zero())) {
00199         continue;
00200       } else if( ((*it)!=zero()) && ((*ait)==zero())) {
00201         return false;
00202       } else if( ((*it)==zero()) && ((*ait)!=zero())) {
00203         return false;
00204       } else {
00205         if(first) {
00206           a_factor = (*ait)/(*it);
00207           first = false;
00208         } else {
00209           if((*ait)!=(*it)*a_factor) return false;
00210         }
00211       }
00212     }
00213     return true;
00214   }
00215   bool add(const array& a_array,cut_t* a_cut = 0) {
00216     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00217     vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00218     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00219     unsigned int index = 0;
00220     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait,index++) {
00221       if(!a_cut || (a_cut && accept(index,*a_cut)) ) {
00222         (*it) += (*ait);
00223       }
00224     }
00225     return true;
00226   }
00227   bool subtract(const array& a_array) {
00228     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00229     vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00230     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00231     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) (*it) -= (*ait);
00232     return true;
00233   }
00234   bool multiply(const array& a_array) {
00235     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00236     vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00237     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00238     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) (*it) *= (*ait);
00239     return true;
00240   }
00241   bool divide(const array& a_array) {
00242     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00243     bool status = true;
00244     vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00245     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00246     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) {
00247       if((*ait)==zero())  {
00248         (*it) = zero(); //PAW convention.
00249         status = false;
00250       } else {
00251         (*it) /= (*ait);
00252       }
00253     }
00254     return status;
00255   }
00256   bool contract(const array& a_array,T& a_value) const {
00257     a_value = zero();
00258     if(m_orders!=a_array.m_orders) return false;
00259     cons_vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();
00260     cons_vec_it_t ait = a_array.m_vector.begin();
00261     for(;it!=m_vector.end();++it,++ait) a_value += (*it) * (*ait);
00262     return true;
00263   }
00264   //Else:
00265   void add(const T& a_T,cut_t* a_cut = 0) {
00266     unsigned int index = 0;
00267     for(vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();it!=m_vector.end();++it,index++) {
00268       if(!a_cut || (a_cut && accept(index,*a_cut)) ) {
00269         (*it) += a_T;
00270       }
00271     }
00272   }
00273   void multiply(const T& a_T) {
00274     for(vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();it!=m_vector.end();++it) (*it) *= a_T;
00275   }
00276   bool divide(const T& a_T) {
00277     if(a_T==zero()) return false;
00278     for(vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();it!=m_vector.end();++it) (*it) /= a_T;
00279     return true;
00280   }
00281   bool invert() {
00282     bool status = true;
00283     T v_one = one();
00284     for(vec_it_t it = m_vector.begin();it!=m_vector.end();++it) {
00285       if((*it)==zero())  {
00286         (*it) = zero(); //PAW convention.
00287         status = false;
00288       } else {
00289         T value = (*it); 
00290         (*it) = v_one/value;
00291       }
00292     }
00293     return status;
00294   }
00295   bool offset(const uints_t& a_is,unsigned int& a_offset) const {
00296     unsigned int dim = m_orders.size();
00297     a_offset = 0;
00298     if(a_is.size()!=dim) return false;
00299     if(dim==0) return false;
00300     for(unsigned int iaxis=0;iaxis<dim;iaxis++) { 
00301       unsigned int i = a_is[iaxis];
00302       if(i>=m_orders[iaxis]) {
00303         a_offset = 0;
00304         return false;
00305       }
00306       a_offset += i * m_offsets[iaxis];
00307     }
00308     return true;
00309   }
00310   bool indices(unsigned int a_offset,uints_t& a_is) const {
00311     if(a_offset>=m_vector.size()) return false;
00312     unsigned int dim = m_orders.size();
00313     unsigned int off = a_offset;
00314     for(int iaxis=dim-1;iaxis>=0;iaxis--) { 
00315       a_is[iaxis] = off/m_offsets[iaxis];
00316       off -= a_is[iaxis] * m_offsets[iaxis];
00317     }
00318     return true;
00319   }
00320   bool accept(unsigned int a_index,const cut_t& a_cut) const {
00321     unsigned int dim = m_orders.size();
00322     if(a_cut.size()!=dim) return false;
00323     if(!indices(a_index,const_cast<uints_t&>(m_is))) return false;
00324     bool good = true;
00325     for(unsigned iaxis=0;iaxis<dim;iaxis++) { 
00326       if(m_is[iaxis]<a_cut[iaxis].first) {good = false;break;}
00327       if(m_is[iaxis]>a_cut[iaxis].second) {good = false;break;}
00328     }
00329     return good;
00330   }
00331   static T zero() {
00332     //return (T)0;    
00333     //return T(0);    
00334     return T();    
00335   }
00336   static T one() {
00337     //return (T)1;    
00338     return T(1);    
00339   }
00340   static T minus_one() {
00341     //return (T)-1;    
00342     return T(-1);    
00343   }
00344   static T two() {
00345     //return (T)2;    
00346     return T(2);    
00347   }
00348 protected:
00349   uints_t m_orders;
00350   uints_t m_offsets;
00351   std::vector<T> m_vector;
00352   uints_t m_is;
00353 };
00355 }
00357 #include <ostream>
00359 // Helpers array<T> :
00360 namespace inlib {
00362 template <class T>
00363 inline bool contract(
00364  const array<T>& aA
00365 ,unsigned int aIA
00366 ,const array<T>& aB
00367 ,unsigned int aIB
00368 ,array<T>& aR
00369 ){
00370   // Contract a tensor (aA) with a vector (aB) 
00371   // on indice aIA of aA and aIB of aB.
00372   // aA.dimension must be > 1.
00373   // aB.dimension must be > 1.
00374   if(&aR==&aA) return false;
00375   if(&aR==&aB) return false;
00377   if(aA.dimension()==0) return false;
00378   if(aB.dimension()==0) return false;
00379   if(aIA>=aA.dimension()) return false;
00380   if(aIB>=aB.dimension()) return false;
00381   if(aA.orders()[aIA]!=aB.orders()[aIB]) return false;
00383   unsigned int rdima = aA.dimension()-1;
00384   unsigned int rdimb = aB.dimension()-1;
00386   if((rdima+rdimb)==0) return false;
00388   std::vector<unsigned int> rorders(rdima+rdimb);
00389   unsigned int index;
00390   for(index=0;index<aIA;index++) 
00391     rorders[index] = aA.orders()[index];
00392   for(index=aIA;index<rdima;index++) 
00393     rorders[index] = aA.orders()[index+1];
00395   for(index=0;index<aIB;index++) 
00396     rorders[rdima+index] = aB.orders()[index];
00397   for(index=aIB;index<rdimb;index++) 
00398     rorders[rdima+index] = aB.orders()[index+1];
00400   if(!aR.configure(rorders)) return false;
00402   std::vector<unsigned int> ais(aA.dimension());
00403   std::vector<unsigned int> bis(aB.dimension());
00404   std::vector<unsigned int> ris(aR.dimension());
00406   //FIXME : optimize the below.
00407   unsigned int order = aA.orders()[aIA];
00408   unsigned int rsize = aR.size();
00410   std::vector<T>& rvec = aR.vector();
00412   for(unsigned int roffset=0;roffset<rsize;roffset++) {
00413     if(!aR.indices(roffset,ris)) return false;
00415     for(index=0;index<aIA;index++) ais[index] = ris[index];
00416     for(index=aIA;index<rdima;index++) ais[index+1] = ris[index];
00418     for(index=0;index<aIB;index++) bis[index] = ris[rdima+index];
00419     for(index=aIB;index<rdimb;index++) bis[index+1] = ris[rdima+index];
00421     T value = 0;
00422     for(index=0;index<order;index++) {
00423       ais[aIA] = index;
00424       T av;
00425       if(!aA.value(ais,av)) return false;
00427       bis[aIB] = index;
00428       T bv;
00429       if(!aB.value(bis,bv)) return false;
00431       value += av * bv;
00432     }
00434     rvec[roffset] = value;
00435   }
00437   return true;
00438 }
00440 template <class T>
00441 inline bool swap(
00442  const array<T>& aV
00443 ,unsigned int aI1
00444 ,unsigned int aI2
00445 ,array<T>& aR
00446 ){
00447   if(&aR==&aV) return false;
00449   unsigned int dim = aV.dimension();
00450   if(aI1>=dim) return false;
00451   if(aI2>=dim) return false;
00453   if(aI1==aI2) {
00454     aR.copy(aV);
00455     return true;
00456   }
00458   if(!aR.configure(aV.orders())) return false;
00460   std::vector<unsigned int> vis(aV.dimension());
00461   std::vector<unsigned int> ris(aV.dimension());
00463   const std::vector<T>& vvec = aV.vector();
00465   unsigned int size = aV.size();
00466   for(unsigned int offset=0;offset<size;offset++) {
00467     T value = vvec[offset];
00469     if(!aV.indices(offset,vis)) return false;
00470     unsigned int i = vis[aI1]; 
00471     vis[aI1] = vis[aI2]; 
00472     vis[aI2] = i; 
00473     if(!aR.set_value(vis,value)) return false;
00474   }
00476   return true;
00477 }
00479 //NOTE : print is a Python keyword.
00480 template <class T> 
00481 inline void dump(std::ostream& a_out,const inlib::array<T>& a_array,const std::string& a_title){
00482   if(a_title.size()) a_out << a_title << std::endl;
00483   const std::vector<T>& vec = a_array.vector();
00484   typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cons_vec_it_t;
00485   for(cons_vec_it_t it = vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
00486     a_out << (*it) << std::endl;
00487   }
00488 }
00490 template <class T> 
00491 inline void diff(std::ostream& a_out,const array<T>& aA,const array<T>& aB,T a_epsilon){
00492   if(aA.orders()!=aB.orders()) {
00493     a_out << "inlib::arrays::diff : not same orders" << std::endl;
00494     return;
00495   }
00496   bool header_done = false;
00497   unsigned int dim = aA.dimension();
00498   std::vector<unsigned int> is(dim);
00499   unsigned int vsize = aA.vector().size();
00500   for(unsigned int index=0;index<vsize;index++) {
00501     T diff = aA.vector()[index]-aB.vector()[index];      
00502     if(diff<0) diff *= -1;
00503     if(diff>=a_epsilon) {
00504       aA.indices(index,is);
00505       if(!header_done) {
00506         a_out << "inlib::arrays::diff :" << std::endl;
00507         header_done = true;
00508       }
00509       for(unsigned int i=0;i<dim;i++) a_out << is[i] << " ";
00510       a_out << aA.vector()[index] << " " << aB.vector()[index] << std::endl;
00511     }
00512   }
00513 }
00519 template <class T>
00520 class kronecker : public array<T> {
00521 public:
00522   kronecker(unsigned int a_order):array<T>(a_order,a_order){
00523     //  epsilon(i1,i2, with n = a_order and i in [0,n[.
00524     // Then an Array of a_order * a_order.
00525     unsigned int index = 0;
00526     typedef typename std::vector<unsigned int> uints_t;
00527     uints_t is(a_order);
00528     std::vector<T>& vec = array<T>::vector();
00529     typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator vec_it_t;
00530     vec_it_t it = vec.begin();
00531     for(;it!=vec.end();++it,index++) {
00532       if(!array<T>::indices(index,is)) return; //FIXME throw.
00533       bool good = true;
00534      {for(unsigned iaxis=0;iaxis<a_order;iaxis++) {
00535         unsigned int ival = is[iaxis];
00536         for(unsigned iaxis2=iaxis+1;iaxis2<a_order;iaxis2++) {
00537           if(is[iaxis2]==ival) {
00538             good = false;
00539             break;
00540           }
00541         }
00542         if(!good) break;
00543       }}
00544       if(!good) continue;
00545       // All indicies are different.
00546       unsigned int n = 0;
00547       for(unsigned iaxis=0;iaxis<a_order;) { 
00548         unsigned int ival = is[iaxis];
00549         if(ival!=iaxis) {
00550           // Swap and add one permutation :
00551           unsigned int old = is[ival];
00552           is[ival] = ival;
00553           is[iaxis] = old;
00554           n +=1;
00555         } else {
00556           iaxis++;
00557         }
00558       }
00559      {unsigned int n_2 = n/2;
00560       if(2*n_2==n) (*it) = array<T>::one();
00561       else (*it) = array<T>::minus_one();}
00562     }
00563   }
00564 };
00566 }
00568 #endif
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