inlib  1.2.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
00002 // See the file inlib.license for terms.
00004 #ifndef inlib_rroot_branch_element
00005 #define inlib_rroot_branch_element
00007 #include "branch"
00009 namespace inlib {
00010 namespace rroot {
00012 class branch_element : public branch {
00013 public:
00014   static const std::string& s_class() {
00015     static const std::string s_v("inlib::rroot::branch_element");
00016     return s_v;
00017   }
00018 public: //iro
00019   virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
00020     if(void* p = inlib::cmp_cast<branch_element>(this,a_class)) {return p;}
00021     else return branch::cast(a_class);
00022   }
00023   virtual bool stream(buffer& a_buffer) {
00024     short v;
00025     unsigned int s, c;
00026     if(!a_buffer.read_version(v,s,c)) return false;
00027     if(!branch::stream(a_buffer)) return false;
00029     if(v<=7) {
00030       if(! return false;
00031       if(! return false;
00032       if(! return false;
00033       if(! return false;
00034       if(! return false;
00035     } else { //v>=8
00036       if(! return false;
00037       std::string fParentName;
00038       if(! return false;
00039       std::string fCloneName;
00040       if(! return false;
00041       int dummy_int;
00042       if(! return false; //fCheckSum
00043       if(! return false; //fClassVersion
00045       if(! return false;
00046       if(! return false;
00047       if(! return false;
00049       if(! return false; //fMaximum
00051       //TBranchElement* fBranchCount;
00052      {ifac::args args;
00053       iro* obj;
00054       if(!a_buffer.read_object(m_fac,args,obj)) {
00055         m_out << "inlib::rroot::base_element::stream : "
00056               << "can't read fAliases."
00057               << std::endl;
00058         return false;
00059       }
00060       delete obj;}
00062       //TBranchElement* fBranchCount2;
00063      {ifac::args args;
00064       iro* obj;
00065       if(!a_buffer.read_object(m_fac,args,obj)) {
00066         m_out << "inlib::rroot::base_element::stream : "
00067               << "can't read fAliases."
00068               << std::endl;
00069         return false;
00070       }
00071       delete obj;}
00073     }
00075     if(!a_buffer.check_byte_count(s,c,"TBranchElement")) return false;
00076     return true;
00077   }
00078 public: //branch
00080   virtual bool read_leaves(buffer& a_buffer){
00084     if(fType==4) {
00085       // STL container master branch (has only the number of elements).
00086       //from v4-00-01
00087       int n;
00088       if(! return false;
00089       //fNdata = n;
00091       m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00092             << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName
00093             << " : type " << fType << " not treated."
00094             << std::endl;  
00095       return false;
00097     } else if(fType==41) {
00098       // STL container sub-branch (contains the elements).
00099       m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00100             << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName
00101             << " : type " << fType << " not treated."
00102             << std::endl;
00103       return false;
00108     } else if(fType==3) {
00109       // TClonesArray master branch (has only the number of elements).
00110       //from v4-00-01
00111       int n;
00112       if(! return false;
00114       //fNdata = n;
00115       //TClonesArray *clones = (TClonesArray*)fObject;
00116       //if (!clones) return;
00117       //if (clones->IsZombie()) return;
00118       //clones->Clear();
00119       //clones->ExpandCreateFast(fNdata);
00121       m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00122             << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName
00123             << " : type " << fType << " not treated."
00124             << std::endl;
00125       return false;
00127     } else if(fType==31) {
00128       // TClonesArray sub-branch (contains the elements).
00129       m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00130             << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName
00131             << " : type " << fType << " not treated."
00132             << std::endl;
00133       return false;
00138     } else if(fType<=2) {
00139       // branch in split mode
00141       //from v4-00-01
00142       //if (fBranchCount) fNdata = (Int_t)fBranchCount->GetValue(0,0);
00143       //else fNdata = 1;
00144       //if (!fInfo) return;
00145       //fInfo->ReadBuffer(b,fObject,fID);
00146       //if (fStreamerType == 6) fNdata = (Int_t)GetValue(0,0);
00148       //from 3.0.06
00149       //if (fID >= 0) {
00150       //  fInfo->ReadBuffer(b,fAddress,fID);
00151       //} else if (fID == -1) {   // top level branch in non split mode
00152       //  char **ppointer = (char**)fAddress;
00153       //  fInfo->ReadBuffer(b,*ppointer,fID);
00154       //}
00156       //m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00157       //      << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00158       //      << " type " << fType << " with ID " << fID << "."
00159       //      << " and then ?"
00160       //      << std::endl;
00162       // read object ?
00163       if(!m_obj) {
00164         ifac::args args;
00165         m_obj = m_fac.create(fClassName,args);
00166         if(!m_obj) return false;
00167       }
00169       if(!m_obj->stream(a_buffer)){
00170         m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00171               << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00172               << " obj stream failed."
00173               << std::endl;          
00174         return false;
00175       }
00177       //m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00178       //      << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00179       //      << " obj streamed."
00180       //      << std::endl;          
00182       return true;
00183 /*
00184     } else if(fType==0) {
00185        if(fID>=0) {
00186          // branch in split mode
00187          m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00188                << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00189                << " type 0 with ID " << fID << "."
00190                << std::endl;
00192          return true;
00193        } else if(fID==-1) {
00194          // top level branch in non split mode
00195          m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00196                << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00197                << " type 0 with ID " << fID
00198                << " : fill object."
00199                << std::endl;
00201          if(!m_obj) {
00202            m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00203                  << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00204                  << " m_obj is null."
00205                  << std::endl;
00206            return false;
00207          }
00208          if(!m_obj->stream(a_buffer)){
00209            m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00210                  << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00211                  << " obj stream failed."
00212                  << std::endl;          
00213            return false;
00214          }
00215          return true;
00217        } else {
00218          m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00219                << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00220                << " type 0 with ID " << fID << " not treated."
00221                << std::endl;
00222          return false;
00223        }
00225     //LHCb files :
00226     } else if(fType==1) {
00227       // parent branch is a base class branch.
00228       // Ok, and then ?
00229       m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00230             << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00231             << " type " << fType << " with ID " << fID << "."
00232             << std::endl;
00233       return true;
00234 */
00235     } else {
00236       m_out << "inlib::rroot::branch_element::read_leaves :"
00237             << " name " << m_name << " ref_cls " << fClassName << " :"
00238             << " type " << fType << " with ID " << fID << "."
00239             << " unknown case."
00240             << std::endl;
00241       return false;
00242     }
00244   }
00246   virtual bool find_entry(uint32 a_entry,uint32& a_nbytes){
00247     //The below line will call the upper read_leaves.
00248     if(!branch::find_entry(a_entry,a_nbytes)) return false;
00250     if(m_branches.size()) {
00251       //if(!m_obj) {
00252       //  m_obj = m_fac.create(fClassName);
00253       //  if(!m_obj) return false;
00254       //}
00256       std::vector<branch*>::iterator it;
00257       for(it=m_branches.begin();it!=m_branches.end();++it) {
00258         uint32 n;
00259         if(!(*it)->find_entry(a_entry,n)) return false;
00260         a_nbytes += n;
00261       } 
00262     }
00264     return true;
00265   }
00266 public:
00267   branch_element(ifile& a_file,ifac& a_fac)
00268   : branch(a_file,a_fac)
00269   ,m_obj(0)
00270   ,fClassVersion(0)
00271   ,fID(0)
00272   ,fType(0)
00273   ,fStreamerType(-1)
00274   {}
00276   virtual ~branch_element(){delete m_obj;}
00277 protected:
00278   branch_element(const branch_element& a_from)
00279   :iro(a_from),branch(a_from){}
00280   branch_element& operator=(const branch_element&){return *this;}
00281 public:
00282   const std::string& class_name() const {return fClassName;}
00283   int type() const {return fType;}
00284   int streamer_type() const {return fStreamerType;}
00285   int id() const {return fID;}
00286   iro* object() {return m_obj;}
00287 protected:
00288   iro* m_obj;
00289 protected:
00290   std::string fClassName; //Class name of referenced object
00291   int fClassVersion;  //Version number of class
00292   int fID;            //element serial number in fInfo
00293   int fType;          //branch type
00294   int fStreamerType;  //branch streamer type
00295 };
00297 }}
00299 #endif
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