inlib  1.2.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
00002 // See the file inlib.license for terms.
00004 #ifndef inlib_colorf
00005 #define inlib_colorf
00007 #include "vec3f"
00008 #include <sstream>
00010 namespace inlib {
00012 class colorf : public vec3f {
00013 public:
00014   colorf(){}
00015   colorf(float a_r,float a_g,float a_b):vec3f(a_r,a_g,a_b){}
00016   virtual ~colorf() {}
00017 public:
00018   colorf(const colorf& a_from):vec3f(a_from){}
00019   colorf& operator=(const colorf& a_from){
00020     vec3f::operator=(a_from);
00021     return *this;
00022   }
00023 public:
00024   float r() const {return m_vector[0];}
00025   float g() const {return m_vector[1];}
00026   float b() const {return m_vector[2];}
00028 public:
00029   // our forever 65 named colors taken long time ago from X11.
00031   //NOTE : don't handle a static object because of mem balance.
00032   //0-9
00033   static colorf aquamarine() {return colorf(0.496101F,0.996109F,0.828138F);}
00034   static colorf mediumaquamarine() {return colorf(0.398444F,0.800793F,0.664073F);}
00035   static colorf black() {return colorf(0,0,0);}
00036   static colorf blue() {return colorf(0,0,1);}
00037   static colorf cadetblue() {return colorf(0.371099F,0.617197F,0.62501F);}
00038   static colorf cornflowerblue() {return colorf(0.390631F,0.58204F,0.925795F);}
00039   static colorf darkslateblue() {return colorf(0.281254F,0.238285F,0.542977F);}
00040   static colorf lightblue() {return colorf(0.675792F,0.843763F,0.898451F);}
00041   static colorf lightsteelblue() {return colorf(0.68751F,0.765637F,0.867201F);}
00042   static colorf mediumblue() {return colorf(0,0,0.800793F);}
00044   //10-19
00045   static colorf mediumslateblue() {return colorf(0.480476F,0.406256F,0.929702F);}
00046   static colorf midnightblue() {return colorf(0.0976577F,0.0976577F,0.437507F);}
00047   static colorf navyblue() {return colorf(0,0,0.500008F);}
00048   static colorf navy() {return colorf(0,0,0.500008F);}
00049   static colorf skyblue() {return colorf(0.527352F,0.8047F,0.917983F);}
00050   static colorf slateblue() {return colorf(0.414069F,0.351568F,0.800793F);}
00051   static colorf steelblue() {return colorf(0.273442F,0.50782F,0.703136F);}
00052   static colorf coral() {return colorf(0.996109F,0.496101F,0.312505F);}
00053   static colorf cyan() {return colorf(0,1,1);}
00054   static colorf firebrick() {return colorf(0.695323F,0.132815F,0.132815F);}
00056   //20-29
00057   static colorf brown() {return colorf(0.644541F,0.164065F,0.164065F);}
00058   static colorf gold() {return colorf(0.996109F,0.839857F,0);}
00059   static colorf goldenrod() {return colorf(0.851575F,0.644541F,0.125002F);}
00060   static colorf green() {return colorf(0,1,0);}
00061   static colorf darkgreen() {return colorf(0,0.390631F,0);}
00062   static colorf darkolivegreen() {return colorf(0.332036F,0.417975F,0.183597F);}
00063   static colorf forestgreen() {return colorf(0.132815F,0.542977F,0.132815F);}
00064   static colorf limegreen() {return colorf(0.195315F,0.800793F,0.195315F);}
00065   static colorf mediumseagreen() {return colorf(0.234379F,0.699229F,0.441413F);}
00066   static colorf mediumspringgreen() {return colorf(0,0.976577F,0.601572F);}
00068   //30-39
00069   static colorf palegreen() {return colorf(0.593759F,0.980484F,0.593759F);}
00070   static colorf seagreen() {return colorf(0.17969F,0.542977F,0.339849F);}
00071   static colorf springgreen() {return colorf(0,0.996109F,0.496101F);}
00072   static colorf yellowgreen() {return colorf(0.601572F,0.800793F,0.195315F);}
00073   static colorf darkslategrey() {return colorf(0.183597F,0.308598F,0.308598F);}
00074   static colorf dimgrey() {return colorf(0.410163F,0.410163F,0.410163F);}
00075   static colorf lightgrey() {return colorf(0.824231F,0.824231F,0.824231F);}
00076   static colorf grey() {return colorf(0.750011F,0.750011F,0.750011F);}
00077   static colorf khaki() {return colorf(0.937514F,0.898451F,0.546883F);}
00078   static colorf magenta() {return colorf(1,0,1);}
00080   //40-49
00081   static colorf maroon() {return colorf(0.68751F,0.187503F,0.375006F);}
00082   static colorf orange() {return colorf(0.996109F,0.644541F,0);}
00083   static colorf orchid() {return colorf(0.851575F,0.437507F,0.83595F);}
00084   static colorf darkorchid() {return colorf(0.597665F,0.195315F,0.796887F);}
00085   static colorf mediumorchid() {return colorf(0.726574F,0.332036F,0.824231F);}
00086   static colorf pink() {return colorf(0.996109F,0.750011F,0.792981F);}
00087   static colorf plum() {return colorf(0.863294F,0.62501F,0.863294F);}
00088   static colorf red() {return colorf(1,0,0);}
00089   static colorf indianred() {return colorf(0.800793F,0.35938F,0.35938F);}
00090   static colorf mediumvioletred() {return colorf(0.777356F,0.0820325F,0.519539F);}
00092   //50-59
00093   static colorf orangered() {return colorf(0.996109F,0.269535F,0);}
00094   static colorf violetred() {return colorf(0.812512F,0.125002F,0.562509F);}
00095   static colorf salmon() {return colorf(0.976577F,0.500008F,0.445319F);}
00096   static colorf sienna() {return colorf(0.62501F,0.320317F,0.175784F);}
00097   static colorf tan() {return colorf(0.820325F,0.703136F,0.546883F);}
00098   static colorf thistle() {return colorf(0.843763F,0.746105F,0.843763F);}
00099   static colorf turquoise() {return colorf(0.250004F,0.875013F,0.812512F);}
00100   static colorf darkturquoise() {return colorf(0,0.8047F,0.816419F);}
00101   static colorf mediumturquoise() {return colorf(0.281254F,0.816419F,0.796887F);}
00102   static colorf violet() {return colorf(0.929702F,0.50782F,0.929702F);}
00104   //60-64
00105   static colorf blueviolet() {return colorf(0.539071F,0.167971F,0.882826F);}
00106   static colorf wheat() {return colorf(0.957046F,0.867201F,0.699229F);}
00107   static colorf white() {return colorf(1,1,1);}
00108   static colorf yellow() {return colorf(1,1,0);}
00109   static colorf greenyellow() {return colorf(0.675792F,0.996109F,0.18359F);}
00111 public: //a list form of the uppers :
00113   // because of sg/style_colormap, do we still want the below ?
00115   static unsigned int named_color_number() {return 65;}
00116   typedef char name[24];
00117   static const name* named_color_names() {
00118     static const char list[65][24] = { //read only static.
00119       "aquamarine",
00120       "mediumaquamarine",
00121       "black",
00122       "blue",
00123       "cadetblue",
00124       "cornflowerblue",
00125       "darkslateblue",
00126       "lightblue",
00127       "lightsteelblue",
00128       "mediumblue",
00130       "mediumslateblue",
00131       "midnightblue",
00132       "navyblue",
00133       "navy",
00134       "skyblue",
00135       "slateblue",
00136       "steelblue",
00137       "coral",
00138       "cyan",
00139       "firebrick",
00141       "brown",
00142       "gold",
00143       "goldenrod",
00144       "green",
00145       "darkgreen",
00146       "darkolivegreen",
00147       "forestgreen",
00148       "limegreen",
00149       "mediumseagreen",
00150       "mediumspringgreen",
00152       "palegreen",
00153       "seagreen",
00154       "springgreen",
00155       "yellowgreen",
00156       "darkslategrey",
00157       "dimgrey",
00158       "lightgrey",
00159       "grey",
00160       "khaki",
00161       "magenta",
00163       "maroon",
00164       "orange",
00165       "orchid",
00166       "darkorchid",
00167       "mediumorchid",
00168       "pink",
00169       "plum",
00170       "red",
00171       "indianred",
00172       "mediumvioletred",
00174       "orangered",
00175       "violetred",
00176       "salmon",
00177       "sienna",
00178       "tan",
00179       "thistle",
00180       "turquoise",
00181       "darkturquoise",
00182       "mediumturquoise",
00183       "violet",
00185       "blueviolet",
00186       "wheat",
00187       "white",
00188       "yellow",
00189       "greenyellow"
00190     };
00191     return list;
00192   }
00194   typedef float rgb[3];
00195   static const rgb* named_color_rgbs() {
00196     static const float list[65][3] = {
00197       {0.496101f,0.996109f,0.828138f}, //aquamarine
00198       {0.398444f,0.800793f,0.664073f}, //mediumaquamarine
00199       {0,0,0}, //black
00200       {0,0,1}, //blue
00201       {0.371099f,0.617197f,0.62501f}, //cadetblue
00202       {0.390631f,0.58204f,0.925795f}, //cornflowerblue
00203       {0.281254f,0.238285f,0.542977f}, //darkslateblue
00204       {0.675792f,0.843763f,0.898451f}, //lightblue
00205       {0.68751f,0.765637f,0.867201f}, //lightsteelblue
00206       {0,0,0.800793f}, //mediumblue
00208       {0.480476f,0.406256f,0.929702f}, //mediumslateblue
00209       {0.0976577f,0.0976577f,0.437507f}, //midnightblue
00210       {0,0,0.500008f}, //navyblue
00211       {0,0,0.500008f}, //navy
00212       {0.527352f,0.8047f,0.917983f}, //skyblue
00213       {0.414069f,0.351568f,0.800793f}, //slateblue
00214       {0.273442f,0.50782f,0.703136f}, //steelblue
00215       {0.996109f,0.496101f,0.312505f}, //coral
00216       {0,1,1}, //cyan
00217       {0.695323f,0.132815f,0.13281f}, //firebrick
00219       {0.644541f,0.164065f,0.164065f}, //brown
00220       {0.996109f,0.839857f,0}, //gold
00221       {0.851575f,0.644541f,0.125002f}, //goldenrod
00222       {0,1,0}, //green
00223       {0,0.390631f,0}, //darkgreen
00224       {0.332036f,0.417975f,0.183597f}, //darkolivegreen
00225       {0.132815f,0.542977f,0.132815f}, //forestgreen
00226       {0.195315f,0.800793f,0.195315f}, //limegreen
00227       {0.234379f,0.699229f,0.441413f}, //mediumseagreen
00228       {0,0.976577f,0.601572f}, //mediumspringgreen
00230       {0.593759f,0.980484f,0.593759f}, //palegreen
00231       {0.17969f,0.542977f,0.339849f}, //seagreen
00232       {0,0.996109f,0.496101f}, //springgreen
00233       {0.601572f,0.800793f,0.195315f}, //yellowgreen
00234       {0.183597f,0.308598f,0.308598f}, //darkslategrey
00235       {0.410163f,0.410163f,0.410163f}, //dimgrey
00236       {0.824231f,0.824231f,0.824231f}, //lightgrey
00237       {0.750011f,0.750011f,0.750011f}, //grey
00238       {0.937514f,0.898451f,0.546883f}, //khaki
00239       {1,0,1}, //magenta
00241       {0.68751f,0.187503f,0.375006f}, //maroon
00242       {0.996109f,0.644541f,0}, //orange
00243       {0.851575f,0.437507f,0.83595f}, //orchid
00244       {0.597665f,0.195315f,0.796887f}, //darkorchid
00245       {0.726574f,0.332036f,0.824231f}, //mediumorchid
00246       {0.996109f,0.750011f,0.792981f}, //pink
00247       {0.863294f,0.62501f,0.863294f}, //plum
00248       {1,0,0}, //red
00249       {0.800793f,0.35938f,0.35938f}, //indianred
00250       {0.777356f,0.0820325f,0.519539f}, //mediumvioletred
00252       {0.996109f,0.269535f,0}, //orangered
00253       {0.812512f,0.125002f,0.562509f}, //violetred
00254       {0.976577f,0.500008f,0.445319f}, //salmon
00255       {0.62501f,0.320317f,0.175784f}, //sienna
00256       {0.820325f,0.703136f,0.546883f}, //tan
00257       {0.843763f,0.746105f,0.843763f}, //thistle
00258       {0.250004f,0.875013f,0.812512f}, //turquoise
00259       {0,0.8047f,0.816419f}, //darkturquoise
00260       {0.281254f,0.816419f,0.796887f}, //mediumturquoise
00261       {0.929702f,0.50782f,0.929702f}, //violet
00263       {0.539071f,0.167971f,0.882826f}, //blueviolet
00264       {0.957046f,0.867201f,0.699229f}, //wheat
00265       {1,1,1}, //white
00266       {1,1,0}, //yellow
00267       {0.675792f,0.996109f,0.18359f} //greenyellow
00268     };
00269     return list;
00270   }
00272   static bool to(const std::string& a_string,
00273                         float& a_r,float& a_g,float& a_b){
00274     unsigned int number = named_color_number();
00275     const colorf::name*  names = named_color_names();
00276     const colorf::rgb* rgbs = named_color_rgbs();
00277     for(unsigned int index=0;index<number;index++) {
00278       if(a_string==names[index]) {
00279         a_r = rgbs[index][0];
00280         a_g = rgbs[index][1];
00281         a_b = rgbs[index][2];
00282         return true;
00283       }
00284     }
00285     a_r = 0.5f;
00286     a_g = 0.5f;
00287     a_b = 0.5f;
00288     return false;
00289   }
00291   static std::string to(colorf& a_color){
00292     std::ostringstream strm;
00293     strm << a_color[0];
00294     strm << " ";
00295     strm << a_color[1];
00296     strm << " ";
00297     strm << a_color[2];
00298     return strm.str();
00299   }
00301 };
00303 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& a_out,const colorf& a_this){
00304   a_out << "r = " << a_this[0]
00305         << ",g = " << a_this[1]
00306         << ",b = " << a_this[2]
00307         << std::endl;
00308   return a_out;
00309 }
00311 }
00313 #endif
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