inlib  1.2.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
00002 // See the file inlib.license for terms.
00004 #ifndef inlib_wroot_element
00005 #define inlib_wroot_element
00007 #include "buffer"
00008 #include "named"
00010 namespace inlib {
00011 namespace wroot {
00013 namespace streamer_info {
00015   enum Type {              // sizeof :
00016     BASE = 0,              //  x
00017     ARRAY = 20,            //  ?
00018     POINTER = 40,          //  4
00019     POINTER_INT = 43,      //  4
00020     POINTER_FLOAT = 45,    //  4
00021     POINTER_DOUBLE = 48,   //  4
00022     COUNTER =  6,          //  4
00023     CHAR =  1,             //  1
00024     SHORT =  2,            //  2
00025     INT =  3,              //  4
00026     FLOAT =  5,            //  4
00027     DOUBLE =  8,           //  8
00028     UNSIGNED_CHAR =  11,   //  1
00029     UNSIGNED_SHORT =  12,  //  2
00030     UNSIGNED_INT = 13,     //  4
00031     BOOL = 18,             //  1 ?
00032     OBJECT = 61,           //  ?
00033     OBJECT_ANY = 62,       //  ?
00034     OBJECT_ARROW = 63,     //  ?
00035     OBJECT_POINTER = 64,   //  ?
00036     TSTRING = 65,          //  8  
00037     TOBJECT = 66,          // 12
00038     TNAMED = 67            // 28
00039   };
00040 }
00043 class streamer_element : public virtual ibo {
00044   static const std::string& s_class() {
00045     static const std::string s_v("inlib::wroot::streamer_element");
00046     return s_v;
00047   }
00048 public: //ibo
00049   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00050     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerElement");
00051     return s_v;
00052   }
00053   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00054     unsigned int c;
00055     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00056     if(!Named_stream(aBuffer,fName,fTitle)) return false;
00057     if(!aBuffer.write(fType)) return false;
00058     if(!aBuffer.write(fSize)) return false;
00059     if(!aBuffer.write(fArrayLength)) return false;
00060     if(!aBuffer.write(fArrayDim)) return false;
00061     if(!aBuffer.write_fast_array<int>(fMaxIndex,5)) return false;
00062     if(!aBuffer.write(fTypeName)) return false;
00063     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00064     return true;
00065   }
00066 public:
00067   virtual streamer_element* copy() const = 0;
00068 public:
00069   virtual void out(std::ostream& aOut) const {
00070     char s[128];
00071 #ifdef WIN32
00072     _snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"  %-14s%-15s offset=%3d type=%2d %-20s",fTypeName.c_str(),fullName().c_str(),fOffset,fType,fTitle.c_str());
00073 #else
00074     ::snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"  %-14s%-15s offset=%3d type=%2d %-20s",fTypeName.c_str(),fullName().c_str(),fOffset,fType,fTitle.c_str());
00075 #endif
00076     aOut << s << std::endl;
00077   }
00078 public:
00079   streamer_element(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00080                   int aOffset,int aType,const std::string& aTypeName)
00081   :fName(aName),fTitle(aTitle),fType(aType)
00082   ,fSize(0),fArrayLength(0),fArrayDim(0),fOffset(aOffset)
00083   ,fTypeName(aTypeName){
00084 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00085     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
00086 #endif
00087     for(int i=0;i<5;i++) fMaxIndex[i] = 0;
00088   }
00089   virtual ~streamer_element(){
00090 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00091     mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
00092 #endif
00093   }
00094 protected:
00095   streamer_element(const streamer_element& a_from)
00096   :ibo(a_from)
00097   ,fName(a_from.fName),fTitle(a_from.fTitle)
00098   ,fType(a_from.fType),fSize(a_from.fSize)
00099   ,fArrayLength(a_from.fArrayLength)
00100   ,fArrayDim(a_from.fArrayDim),fOffset(a_from.fOffset)
00101   ,fTypeName(a_from.fTypeName){
00102 #ifdef INLIB_MEM
00103     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
00104 #endif
00105     for(int i=0;i<5;i++) fMaxIndex[i] = a_from.fMaxIndex[i];
00106   }
00107   streamer_element& operator=(const streamer_element& a_from){
00108     fName = a_from.fName;
00109     fTitle = a_from.fTitle;
00110     fType = a_from.fType;
00111     fSize = a_from.fSize;
00112     fArrayLength = a_from.fArrayLength;
00113     fArrayDim = a_from.fArrayDim;
00114     fOffset = a_from.fOffset;
00115     fTypeName = a_from.fTypeName;
00116     for(int i=0;i<5;i++) fMaxIndex[i] = a_from.fMaxIndex[i];
00117     return *this;
00118   }
00119 public:
00120   virtual void setArrayDimension(int aDimension){
00121     fArrayDim = aDimension;
00122     if(aDimension) fType += streamer_info::ARRAY;
00123     //fNewType = fType;
00124   }
00125   virtual void setMaxIndex(int aDimension,int aMaximum){
00126     //set maximum index for array with dimension dim
00127     if (aDimension < 0 || aDimension > 4) return;
00128     fMaxIndex[aDimension] = aMaximum;
00129     if (fArrayLength == 0)  fArrayLength  = aMaximum;
00130     else                    fArrayLength *= aMaximum;
00131   }
00133   virtual std::string fullName() const {
00134     std::string s = fName;
00135     for (int i=0;i<fArrayDim;i++) {
00136       char cdim[32];
00137 #ifdef WIN32
00138       _snprintf(cdim,sizeof(cdim),"[%d]",fMaxIndex[i]);
00139 #else
00140       ::snprintf(cdim,sizeof(cdim),"[%d]",fMaxIndex[i]);
00141 #endif
00142       s += cdim;
00143     }
00144     return s;
00145   }
00146 protected: //Named
00147   std::string fName;
00148   std::string fTitle;  
00149 protected:
00150   int fType;            //element type
00151   int fSize;            //sizeof element
00152   int fArrayLength;     //cumulative size of all array dims
00153   int fArrayDim;        //number of array dimensions
00154   int fMaxIndex[5];     //Maximum array index for array dimension "dim"
00155   int fOffset;          
00156   //FIXME Int_t         fNewType;         //!new element type when reading
00157   std::string fTypeName;        //Data type name of data member
00158 };
00160 class streamer_base : public streamer_element {
00161 public: //ibo
00162   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00163     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerBase");
00164     return s_v;
00165   }
00166   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00167     unsigned int c;
00168     if(!aBuffer.write_version(3,c)) return false;
00169     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00170     if(!aBuffer.write(fBaseVersion)) return false;
00171     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00172     return true;
00173   }
00174 public: //streamer_element
00175   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {return new streamer_base(*this);}
00176 public:
00177   streamer_base(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00178                int aOffset,int aBaseVersion)
00179   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,streamer_info::BASE,"BASE")
00180   ,fBaseVersion(aBaseVersion){
00181     if (aName=="TObject") fType = streamer_info::TOBJECT;
00182     if (aName=="TNamed") fType = streamer_info::TNAMED;
00183   }
00184   virtual ~streamer_base(){}
00185 public:
00186   streamer_base(const streamer_base& a_from)
00187   :ibo(a_from)
00188   ,streamer_element(a_from)
00189   ,fBaseVersion(a_from.fBaseVersion)
00190   {}
00191   streamer_base& operator=(const streamer_base& a_from){
00192     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00193     fBaseVersion = a_from.fBaseVersion;
00194     return *this;
00195   }
00196 protected:
00197   int fBaseVersion;         //version number of the base class
00198 };
00200 class streamer_basic_type : public streamer_element {
00201 public: //ibo
00202   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00203     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerBasicType");
00204     return s_v;
00205   }
00206   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00207     unsigned int c;
00208     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00209     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00210     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00211     return true;
00212   }
00213 public: //streamer_element
00214   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00215     return new streamer_basic_type(*this);
00216   }
00217 public:
00218   streamer_basic_type(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00219                     int aOffset,int aType,const std::string& aTypeName)
00220   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,aType,aTypeName)
00221   {}
00222   virtual ~streamer_basic_type(){}
00223 public:
00224   streamer_basic_type(const streamer_basic_type& a_from)
00225   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from)
00226   {}
00227   streamer_basic_type& operator=(const streamer_basic_type& a_from){ 
00228     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00229     return *this;
00230   }
00231 };
00233 class streamer_basic_pointer : public streamer_element {
00234 public: //ibo
00235   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00236     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerBasicPointer");
00237     return s_v;
00238   }
00239   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00240     unsigned int c;
00241     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00242     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00243     if(!aBuffer.write(fCountVersion)) return false;
00244     if(!aBuffer.write(fCountName)) return false;
00245     if(!aBuffer.write(fCountClass)) return false;
00246     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00247     return true;
00248   }
00249 public: //streamer_element
00250   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00251     return new streamer_basic_pointer(*this);
00252   }
00253 public:
00254   streamer_basic_pointer(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00255                        int aOffset,int aType,
00256                        const std::string& aCountName,
00257                        const std::string& aCountClass,
00258                        int aCountVersion,
00259                        const std::string& aTypeName)
00260   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,
00261                     aType+streamer_info::POINTER,aTypeName)
00262   ,fCountVersion(aCountVersion)
00263   ,fCountName(aCountName)
00264   ,fCountClass(aCountClass)
00265   {}
00266   virtual ~streamer_basic_pointer(){}
00267 public:
00268   streamer_basic_pointer(const streamer_basic_pointer& a_from)
00269   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from)
00270   ,fCountVersion(a_from.fCountVersion)
00271   ,fCountName(a_from.fCountName)
00272   ,fCountClass(a_from.fCountClass)
00273   {}
00274   streamer_basic_pointer& operator=(const streamer_basic_pointer& a_from){
00275     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00276     fCountVersion = a_from.fCountVersion;
00277     fCountName    = a_from.fCountName;
00278     fCountClass   = a_from.fCountClass;
00279     return *this;
00280   }
00281 protected:
00282   int fCountVersion;       //version number of the class with the counter
00283   std::string fCountName;  //name of data member holding the array count
00284   std::string fCountClass; //name of the class with the counter
00285 };
00287 class streamer_string : public streamer_element {
00288 public: //ibo
00289   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00290     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerString");
00291     return s_v;
00292   }
00293   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00294     unsigned int c;
00295     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00296     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00297     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00298     return true;
00299   }
00300 public: //streamer_element
00301   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00302     return new streamer_string(*this);
00303   }
00304 public:
00305   streamer_string(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00306                  int aOffset)
00307   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,streamer_info::TSTRING,"TString")
00308   {}
00309   virtual ~streamer_string(){}
00310 public:
00311   streamer_string(const streamer_string& a_from)
00312   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from)
00313   {}
00314   streamer_string& operator=(const streamer_string& a_from){
00315     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00316     return *this;
00317   }
00318 };
00321 class streamer_object : public streamer_element {
00322 public: //ibo
00323   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00324     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerObject");
00325     return s_v;
00326   }
00327   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00328     unsigned int c;
00329     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00330     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00331     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00332     return true;
00333   }
00334 public: //streamer_element
00335   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00336     return new streamer_object(*this);
00337   }
00338 public:
00339   streamer_object(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00340                  int aOffset,const std::string& aTypeName)
00341   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,0,aTypeName){
00342     fType = streamer_info::OBJECT;
00343     if (aName=="TObject") fType = streamer_info::TOBJECT;
00344     if (aName=="TNamed") fType = streamer_info::TNAMED;
00345   }
00346   virtual ~streamer_object(){}
00347 public:
00348   streamer_object(const streamer_object& a_from)
00349   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from){}
00350   streamer_object& operator=(const streamer_object& a_from){
00351     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00352     return *this;
00353   }
00354 };
00356 class streamer_object_pointer : public streamer_element {
00357 public: //ibo
00358   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00359     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerObjectPointer");
00360     return s_v;
00361   }
00362   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00363     unsigned int c;
00364     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00365     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00366     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00367     return true;
00368   }
00369 public: //streamer_element
00370   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00371     return new streamer_object_pointer(*this);
00372   }
00373 public:
00374   streamer_object_pointer(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00375                         int aOffset,const std::string& aTypeName)
00376   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,
00377                    streamer_info::OBJECT_POINTER,aTypeName){
00378     if(aTitle.substr(0,2)=="->") fType = streamer_info::OBJECT_ARROW;
00379   }
00380   virtual ~streamer_object_pointer(){}
00381 public:
00382   streamer_object_pointer(const streamer_object_pointer& a_from)
00383   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from){}
00384   streamer_object_pointer& operator=(const streamer_object_pointer& a_from){
00385     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00386     return *this;
00387   }
00388 };
00390 class streamer_object_any : public streamer_element {
00391 public: //ibo
00392   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00393     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerObjectAny");
00394     return s_v;
00395   }
00396   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00397     unsigned int c;
00398     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00399     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00400     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00401     return true;
00402   }
00403 public: //streamer_element
00404   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00405     return new streamer_object_any(*this);
00406   }
00407 public:
00408   streamer_object_any(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00409                     int aOffset,const std::string& aTypeName)
00410   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,streamer_info::OBJECT_ANY,aTypeName)
00411   {}
00412   virtual ~streamer_object_any(){}
00413 public:
00414   streamer_object_any(const streamer_object_any& a_from)
00415   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from){}
00416   streamer_object_any& operator=(const streamer_object_any& a_from){
00417     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00418     return *this;
00419   }
00420 };
00423 class streamer_STL : public streamer_element {
00424 public: //ibo
00425   virtual const std::string& store_cls() const {
00426     static const std::string s_v("TStreamerSTL");
00427     return s_v;
00428   }
00429   virtual bool stream(buffer& aBuffer) const {
00430     unsigned int c;
00431     if(!aBuffer.write_version(2,c)) return false;
00432     if(!streamer_element::stream(aBuffer)) return false;
00433     if(!aBuffer.write(fSTLtype)) return false;
00434     if(!aBuffer.write(fCtype)) return false;
00435     if(!aBuffer.set_byte_count(c)) return false;
00436     return true;
00437   }
00438 public: //streamer_element
00439   virtual streamer_element* copy() const {
00440     return new streamer_STL(*this);
00441   }
00442 protected:
00443   enum ESTLtype { kSTL       = 300, kSTLstring  =365,   kSTLvector = 1,
00444                   kSTLlist   =  2,  kSTLdeque   =  3,   kSTLmap    = 4,
00445                   kSTLset    =  5,  kSTLmultimap=6,     kSTLmultiset=7};
00447   // Instead of EDataType, we use the Streamer_Info::Type.
00448   //enum EDataType {
00449   //   kChar_t  = 1, kUChar_t  = 11, kShort_t = 2,  kUShort_t = 12,
00450   //   kInt_t   = 3, kUInt_t   = 13, kLong_t  = 4,  kULong_t  = 14,
00451   //   kFloat_t = 5, kDouble_t = 8,  kchar  = 10, kOther_t  = -1
00452   //};
00453 public:
00454   streamer_STL(const std::string& aName,const std::string& aTitle,
00455               int aOffset,
00456               streamer_info::Type aType, //Must match TDataType/EDataType
00457               const std::string& aTypeName)
00458   :streamer_element(aName,aTitle,aOffset,kSTL,aTypeName){
00459     fSTLtype = kSTLvector;
00460     fCtype   = aType;
00461   }
00462   virtual ~streamer_STL(){}
00463 public:
00464   streamer_STL(const streamer_STL& a_from)
00465   :ibo(a_from),streamer_element(a_from)
00466   ,fSTLtype(a_from.fSTLtype)
00467   ,fCtype(a_from.fCtype)
00468   {}
00469   streamer_STL& operator=(const streamer_STL& a_from){
00470     streamer_element::operator=(a_from);
00471     fSTLtype = a_from.fSTLtype;
00472     fCtype = a_from.fCtype;
00473     return *this;
00474   }
00475 protected:
00476   int fSTLtype;       //type of STL vector
00477   int fCtype;         //STL contained type
00478 };
00480 }}
00482 #endif
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